Kristin Richards RMT

⭐ Rate Increase Notice ⭐ As of May 13th, 2024 rates will increase to: • 45 Minutes - $102.86 ($108.00 after tax) • 60 Minutes - $127.62 ($134.00 after tax) • 75 Minutes - $152.52 ($160.15 after tax)

Welcome! I strive to provide an inclusive, safe space for every person seeking Registered Massage Therapy. My calendar is open until the end of September 2024.

Can’t find a time or a day you prefer? Add yourself to my waiting list through your profile where you get automatic email &/or text message notifications for any openings you desire and/or email me - I’d be more than happy to let you know if something opens up or if I can fit you into my day. Thanks!


⭐️ read my bio below before contacting me to book an appointment ⭐️ I can only accept new patients before 3:30pm Monday-Friday ⭐️ please let me know if you have any dog allergies &/or fear of dogs or mobility issues as the clinic only has a stairwell entry

Registered Massage Therapy

The intention in my treatments is to provide a neutral space for you to gently bring awareness to areas where you may be holding tension, patterns that have created more effort and hopefully ways in which you can feel more safe and comfortable in your body. As a trauma-informed therapist I believe, with safety and support, our bodies and nervous systems have the inate ability and wisdom to hea... Read More

The intention in my treatments is to provide a neutral space for you to gently bring awareness to areas where you may be holding tension, patterns that have created more effort and hopefully ways in which you can feel more safe and comfortable in your body.
As a trauma-informed therapist I believe, with safety and support, our bodies and nervous systems have the inate ability and wisdom to heal. I gently encourage curiosity of the sensations and signals in your body that are informing us and how we can collaborate in your healing journey. I approach each individual with compassion and reverence to the connection of our physical body and our mind. With the nervous system support in mind I do not offer traditional "deep tissue" massages; when indicated we can work together with deeper structures that can have a profound affect on your nervous system. I incorporate many indirect and direct techniques including: Myofascial release, Craniosacral therapy, Muscle Energy, Neuromuscular therapy and Viscera and may include invitations for home care.
*Please indicate if you are a pregnancy or postpartum massage so I can anticipate how to set up the table for your comfort.
I acknowledge and respect the ləkʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory I live, work and grow upon, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

In 2005 I graduated from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy and became a Registered Massage Therapist. Over the past 15+ years I have worked in multiple settings including; spas, multidisciplinary clinics, mobile/in home treatments and a home-based practice. Currently I’m working from ‘Heart of the Village Massage Therapy’ in Oak Bay. In 2023 I completed a 3-year Somatic Experiencing program and received my Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) certificate.

As a trauma attuned therapist I believe with safety and support, our body and nervous system have the inate ability and wisdom to heal. I gently encourage curiosity of the sensations and signals in your body that are informing us and how we can collaborate in your healing journey. I approach each individual with compassion and reverence to the connection of our physical body and our mind. With the safety of your nervous system my highest priority I do NOT offer traditional/conventional “deep tissue” massages ; when indicated we can work together with deep lying structures that can have a profound affect on your nervous system. I do incorporate many techniques including: Myofascial release, Craniosacral therapy, Muscle Energy, Neuromuscular therapy, Visceral and may include invitations for home care.

When I’m not working I’m cycling with my family around Victoria, experimenting in my kitchen, playing soccer or escaping with a good book.

I acknowledge and respect the ləkʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory I live, work and grow upon, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

In 2005 I graduated from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy and became a Registered M... Read More

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Located at: Suite 206- 2186 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria
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